It is with regret that the Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club has postponed their ‘4 Nations MX Team Shield’ and ‘Hammer & Tongs Team Trophy’ events until 2023.
The ‘4 Nations’ MXON style event, where England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales will fight it out to decide who is the strongest ‘home nation’ will now run in October 2023 at ‘The Grange MX’, Shropshire. Team captains Brad Anderson (England), Billy Mackenzie (Scotland), Martin Barr (Northern Ireland) and Mark Jones (Wales) will now have a whole year to select and prepare their team. Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club’s Jeff Perrett explains the decision to postpone the event until next year.
“As with most decisions on running events, this wasn’t another easy one, but this time we’ve listened to our head and not followed our heart. We really wanted to get both the 4 Nations and Hammer & Tongs up and running this year but the reality is that it’s going to be a tough winter. I hate to say that, it grates me, but with the rising costs of living and the time constraints after a pretty intense season we’ve decided to give ourselves more time to plan, talk to potential sponsors and do the event justice. We’ve just come off the back of another successful running of our ‘Rock it til Sundown’ motocross and ‘Airborne Gunner Summer Supercross’ events and we see the ‘4 Nations’ as potentially the biggest of our portfolio of events, so we want to make sure we hit the ground running with it.”
“We really want this to be a special event and it warrants a full year of planning to make the first one great and an event that hopefully everyone will get behind and it will grow to be something everyone really enjoys to sign off their U.K motocross season. We initially decided we were going to combine both events but by now pushing back a year we’ve decided we’re going to run the ‘4 Nations’ as a stand alone event. What that means is that every kid racing will now be representing their nation.
“The team captains soon let us know that they can all easily have more than just three riders per class representing their country so we agreed and thought it would be cool to do an all out ‘4 Nations’ with all the best kids in the UK racing along with the adults and team captains themselves. It will be cool to see the kids representing their country here in the U.K. When I raced as a kid it was always good fun to race and represent your local motocross club, but this is taking it up a level. We have some genuine talent in the U.K and I’m looking forward to seeing which nation will come out on top. We’re pleased to announce the ‘4 Nations’ will run at the Grange MX. It’s a venue with real potential, pretty central in the U.K and has great dirt. We look forward to working with Sam and her team to make sure the venue is ready for battle!”
Keep your eyes on for more info on the 2023 staging of the Four Nations MX team Shield”, and the “Hammer and Tongs Team Trophy”.
Picture by Dave Rich