After the success of the very first ‘Airborne Gunner Summer Supercross’, the Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club are pleased to announce the invited pro riders for this year’s event on Tuesday 9th August at Cusses Gorse MX will again be racing for the ‘Melvyn Brunell Memorial Trophy’.
The inaugural event last August and the trophy was quite fittingly won by Melvyn’s son Jack, who rode brilliantly on an emotional evening for all the Brunell family. Jack, who has since gone on to race AMA Supercross but unfortunately picked up an ankle injury on his American journey, will be back to defend the trophy that he and his family decided to associate with the ‘Airborne Gunner Summer Supercross’ in memory of Melvyn. Jack and Melvyn travelled all around Europe racing the Supercross scene and it’s that discipline of the sport and the memories that are close to Jack’s heart.
“As a family, we were so proud of Dad and to do a memorial trophy in his name epitomises that. To have it associated with a Supercross is the best tip of the hat we could give him because he absolutely loved Supercross. It was a shared passion of ours and we worked hard at it. So the thought that he’s still involved by having his name on a trophy for people who race it is awesome. He’d also love the fact there’s now a chance of a U.K Supercross scene growing with Steel Hawk MCC and getting a new generation into racing it. I’m right behind it and so are the rest of my family. It really does feel like the U.K needs it, especially now I’ve experienced AMA Supercross. Of course it’s never going to be as big as that but there’s definitely room for it during the summer months and for people to come out on a weekday evening for a few hours and see some short, sharp, exciting racing. I also think it will help so many young rider’s with their skills for motocross. There’s so many motocross races in the U.K going on every weekend so it’s refreshing to have something different I think. I’ll be giving it my all to try and get my name on dad’s trophy again this year and keep it in the family for another year and hopefully further down the line when I quit racing we’ll see some names on there who will go on to bigger things. Now I’ve raced AMA Supercross I’d love to see some U.K kids get used to doing Supercross and then have the opportunity to race Supercross in America one day like myself, Dylan (Woodcock), Adam (Chatfield) and Joe (Clayton) all have this year. I’m really looking forward to it. For the first running of it last year it was a brilliant night with a load of people coming out so I really hope we see more people come out this year and get behind it so the guys at Steel Hawk MCC can turn it into a series next year.”

Steel Hawk MCC’s Paul Oughton is looking forward to building an affordable and sustainable Supercross scene in the U.K along with the Brunell family. “It was such a fitting way to kick off our aspirations with our ‘Airborne Gunner Summer Supercross’ last year, especially with Jack winning. It all got a bit emotional and that was for us, so for Jack and his family it must’ve been a special evening. We really hope we did Melvyn’s memory and name justice and he would’ve been proud of the event. It was our first-ever Supercross and it went well, especially as we were still in the grip of Covid. Now we’re keen to press on and make it a short summer series in 2023, so we’ve already started work on that. We want to take it up a notch for this year’s event and use that as a springboard for 2023. So if anyone out there wants to help out in any way shape or form get in touch. Running off-road motorcycle events hasn’t got any easier over the past few years but, nobody is making us do it, we’re doing it because we want to do something different to the norm here in the U.K and put the fun back into racing. Julie, Jeff and myself are 100% committed to that mantra, it’s why we started Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club in the first place and we’re only just really starting out. We’re looking forward to another great night’s racing and seeing people out having a good time.”
‘Airborne Gunner Summer Supercross will be staged at Cusses Gorse MX on Tuesday 9th August, with Steel Hak MCC’s ‘Rock it til Sundown Summer MX Classic’ being held on the motocross track the following day (Wednesday 10th). For more information on both events, ticket sales and how to enter go to or enquire by email on: info@steelhawk